2022-11-15 3244字

虽然我自己开发了很多英语插件帮助我读写英文, 但是我的英语语法一贯很差, 脱离工具后基本上就是乱写一气, 究其原因主要是让我背很多语法规则又不告诉我为什么要那么做, 我就内心抗拒。

最近朋友推荐了旋元佑老师的《英语魔法师之语法俱乐部》这本书, 极大的解决了我对语法规则知其所以然的困惑, 这本书按照初学者的角度, 系统的梳理了语法知识的体系, 讲解每一段还告诉我语法规则的原因是什么, 强烈推荐给英语像我一样烂的同学们看。

下面是根据我不会的地方做了一些笔记, 方便以后我复习之用:

be, the

看到 be 动词后面没有补语的时候, 表示 be 动词并不是当作连缀动词使用, 也不能解释为’是’, 而要解释为存在, 比如《哈姆雷特》中的

To be or not to be, that is the question

在语源学上, the 可视为 that 或 those 的弱化形式, 所以凡是上下文中有明指或暗示时, 也就是有 ‘那个’ 的指示功能时, 便要用定冠词 the, 比如下面这句的 the book 就是 that book, 特别指出的是 ‘你借我的那本’ 。

I have finished the book you lent me


多个形容词形容一个名词时, 越是不可变的、 客观的特质越要靠近名词。 反之, 越是可变的、 临时的、 主观的因素则越要放得远离名词:

The murderer left behind a bloody old black Italian leather glove.


三个音节以上的形容词已经很长, 不适合再加词尾变化, 因而分成两个词处理, 如:

loving      more loving     most loving
helpfu      more helpful    most helpful
useless     more useless    most useless
active      more active     most active


关系很直接的用 made of, 比如 a chair made of wood, 关系不是那么直接的用 make from, 比如 wine made from grapes

如果表示方向的用 throw to, 比如 I forgot my keys. Please get them at my desk and throw them to me, 如果是瞄准一个 ‘点’, 用 throw at, 比如 The kids are throwing rocks at the poor dog


过去分词字尾加 -ed 表示被动意味的形容词, 比如

The movable print was introduced to England in 1485

现在分词表示一种持续性, 相当于‘正在’、‘一直’的口吻, 比如:

I was visiting clients the whole day yesterday

当我们需要对一个 ‘被动形容词’ 叠加 ‘正在…’ 的意思时, 就需要在被动形容词前面加 being, 比如下面这句 being questioned 表示 ’正在被质询’:

The witness was being questioned in court when he had a heart attack

未来的事情还没有发生, 尚未确定, 所以要加一个助动词 will 在前面, 表示 ‘到时候会‘, 比如:

There will be a major election in March

完成式现代时间是明确动作的 ’截止时间‘ 是现在, 比如 have seen (看过):

I'm sure I have seen this face somewhere

完成式现代时间是明确动作的 ’截止时间‘ 是现在, 但是要表示 ‘到现在已经有 … 了’ 这种 ‘持续性’ 的意思, 需要用 have been, 比如:

We have been working overtime for a week to fill your order

完成式过去时间截止是一个过去的时间, 在那之前就 ‘有 … 过‘ 的意思, 比如:

Many soldiers had died from pneumonia before the discovery of penicillin

完成式过去时间截止是一个过去的时间, 但叠加持续性意思, 就需要用 had been , 比如:

I had been smoking three packs of cigarettes a day before decided to quit

完成式未来时间截止是未来的某个时间才能完成, 一般在动词前面加一个 will 就可以了, 比如:

Next April, I will have worked here for 20 years

完成式未来时间截止是未来的某个时间才能完成, 同时叠加一个持续性意思, 就需要用 will have been, 比如:

In two more minutes, she will have been talking on the phone for three hours


一些比较常用的连接词, ‘只要’ as long as, 比如:

He won't have it his way, as long as I'm here

‘假定’ Suppose 比如:

Suppose you were ill, where would you go?

‘既然’ now that 比如:

There's nothing to worry about, now that Father is back

‘好让’ in order that 比如:

I've typed out the main points in boldface, in order that you won't miss them

‘以免’ lest 比如:

I've underlined the key points, lest you miss them

‘万一’ in case 比如:

You'd better bring more money, in case you should need it



he (she, they):         who
it (they):              which
his (her, their, its):  whose
him (her, them):        whom


省略主语与 be 动词, 只留补语, 可以视为所有从属从句简化的共通原则。

如果从属从句的主语是空洞的字眼(one, everybody, people 等), 或者从属从句主语在主要从句中重复出现的, 就可以省略, 比如:

It is common courtesy that one should ware black while one attends a funeral


It is common courtesy to ware black while one attends a funeral

没有助动词时, 可以把动词改成 -ing 的进行式的形态, 比如:

John remembers that he saw the lady before


John remembers seeing the lady before

如果名词中没有 be 动词, 也没有助动词, 一律把动词加上 -ing, 比如:

That I drink good wine with friends is my greatest enjoyment


Drinking good wine with friends is my greatest enjoyment

名词从句的主语 they 和 从句主语相同, 从句主语就可以省略, 同时从句动词加 -ing, 比如:

Many husbands enjoy that they do the cooking


Many husbands enjoy doing the cooking

若名词从句中是 be 动词,后面接一般的名词或形容词作补语, 则须加 -ing 成为 being, 比如:

That one is a teacher requires a lot of patience


Being a teacher requires a lot of patience

名词从句简化, 可以把不确定语气从句改成 to 动词 的形式, 比如:

The children expect that they can get presents for Christmas


The children expect to get presents for Christmas


这本书, 通篇都在讲分析思路, 而不是死记硬背, 我基本上是一天就学会了, 希望我以后的英文可以慢慢的独立写出语法正确的内容, 哈哈哈哈。