2018-12-22 3185字

我在 2008 年开发了 thing-edit.el , 虽然这个插件平常没啥存在感, 但是几乎是天天都在用的插件.

thing-edit.el 简单来说, 就是不用移动光标, 会自动把光标处的各种语法对象 (表达式、邮件地址、文件名、URL、单词、符号、函数定义、列表、句子、空格、段落、行、注释、括号内容等)进行识别并操作, 比如复制, 剪切或者粘贴 kill-ring 内容.

thing-edit.el 相对于其他复制插件的优势在于你完全不用移动光标即可智能的感知语法对象并进行快速的操作. 等操作完成以后可以继续从当前的位置继续编程.



  1. 下载 thing-edit 里面的 thing-edit.el 放到 ~/elisp 目录
  2. 把下面的配置加入到 ~/.emacs 中
(add-to-list 'load-path (expand-file-name "~/elisp"))
(require 'thing-edit)



命令 解释
thing-cut-sexp cut sexp around cursor.
thing-copy-sexp copy sexp around cursor.
thing-replace-sexp replace sexp around cursor with content of kill-ring.
thing-cut-email cut email string around cursor
thing-copy-email copy email string around cursor.
thing-replace-email replace email string around cursor with content of kill-ring.
thing-cut-filename cut filename string around cursor.
thing-copy-filename copy filename string around cursor.
thing-replace-filename replace filename string around cursor with content of kill-ring.
thing-cut-url cut url string around cursor.
thing-copy-url copy url string around cursor.
thing-replace-url replace url string around cursor with content of kill-ring.
thing-cut-word cut word string around cursor.
thing-copy-word copy word string around cursor.
thing-replace-word replace word string around cursor with content of kill-ring.
thing-cut-symbol cut symbol string around cursor.
thing-copy-symbol copy symbol string around cursor.
thing-replace-symbol replace symbol string around cursor with content of kill-ring.
thing-cut-defun cut function string around cursor.
thing-copy-defun copy function string around cursor.
thing-replace-defun replace function string around cursor with content of kill-ring.
thing-cut-list cut list string around cursor.
thing-copy-list copy list string around cursor.
thing-replace-list replace list string around cursor with content of kill-ring.
thing-cut-sentence cut sentence string around cursor.
thing-copy-sentence copy sentence string around cursor.
thing-replace-sentence replace sentence string around cursor with content of kill-ring.
thing-cut-whitespace cut whitespace string around cursor.
thing-copy-whitespace copy whitespace string around cursor.
thing-replace-whitespace replace whitespace string around cursor with content of kill-ring.
thing-cut-page cut page string around cursor.
thing-copy-page copy page string around cursor.
thing-replace-page replace page string around cursor with content of kill-ring.
thing-cut-line cut current line.
thing-copy-line copy current line.
thing-replace-line replace current line with content of kill-ring.
thing-cut-to-line-end cut string to end of line.
thing-copy-to-line-end copy string to end of line.
thing-replace-to-line-end replace string to end of line with content of kill-ring.
thing-cut-to-line-beginning cut string to beginning of line.
thing-copy-to-line-beginning copy string to beginning of line.
thing-replace-to-line-beginning replace string to beginning of line with content of kill-ring.
thing-cut-comment cut comment.
thing-copy-comment copy comment.
thing-replace-comment replace comment with content of kill-ring.
thing-cut-paragrap cut paragraph around cursor.
thing-copy-paragrap copy paragraph around cursor.
thing-replace-paragrap replace paragraph around cursor with content of kill-ring.
thing-cut-parentheses cut parentheses around cursor.
thing-copy-parentheses copy parentheses around cursor.
thing-replace-parentheses replace parentheses around cursor with content of kill-ring.



谢谢 谢鹏 同学编写的 thing-replace-* 函数, 非常的好用.